Service disruption alert: This is a test alert 2
Service disruption alert: This is a test alert 2

Jobs for Veterans

You are now able to filter Kijiji Job Ads according to where you live and whether the employer has self-identified the position as suitable for a Veteran.

An employer may require proof of your service by requesting a copy of your MPRR (Member's Personal Record Resume) or your Veterans Photo ID or CF1 card, if you’ve served 10 years or longer. Civilians are also able to apply for all positions, so self-identify as a Veteran when you apply. Be sure to focus your pitch on the skills you possess that the employer requires, not only your service record.

Don't be reluctant to promote yourself! After all, you're in competition for these jobs. Follow up with the employer if they have provided contact information and try to get a face-to-face meeting. By choosing to identify their Kijiji Job Ad as suitable for Veterans, the employer is supportive of your service to Canada. You still have to convince them the qualities and skills you possess make you the strongest candidate they should hire.
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